Recommaned links
Kingdom of Morocco
The National Social Security Fund (CNSS):
For any request for calculation, declaration, and the payment of social security contributions.
The General Directorate of Taxes:
For any inquiries regarding taxes, tax returns, and tax refunds.
The Regional Investment Center of Marrakech-Safi:
For company registration and any inquiries regarding business in Morocco.
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF):
For useful business information.
The High Commission for Planning:
A government statistical institution. The High Commission for Planning
The Ministry of Labour and Professional Integration:
For access to labour law, calculation of severance pay, ...
The National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills (ANAPEC):
The equivalent of "France travail" in France. National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills (ANAPEC)
Portal of the General Treasury of the Kingdom:
The General Treasury of the Kingdom provides you with a new portal for the online declaration and payment of territorial taxes ...